A lot of people lament about how we should have more offices across the country. Although it would be nice to have the time to jetset across the country slaying bunions of all shapes and sizes, this is not a realistic lifestyle for the doctors at Foot First.
Before & After results with the Sklar Bunionectomy
I always try to explain that our bunion surgery recovery is so manageable that you can fly in to have this procedure and safely travel home to recover in just a few days. This patient shown here flew in from Philadelphia on a Thursday to have her bunion removed. She came to our office and had a preoperative consultation where we took her X-Rays, gave her her post-operative prescriptions and instructions, and met with my Dad and I. Following her consultation she was able to have bunion surgery that day under twilight anesthesia. After her surgery she recovered at the office, and then was able to weight bear immediately and return to where she was staying.
If you are recovering in a hotel, our patients are able to get out of bed and take care of themselves. We ask our patients to stay a few days so we can perform the first bandage change. The initial bandage we put on is bulky and can become uncomfortable as the foot swells from surgery. After a few days we apply a more minimal and comfortable bandage. This way you can fly back home comfortably.
Again, we wish we could travel all around to make all the feet of the world beautiful, but we can’t. If we can’t come to you, then come to us! We will keep you on your feet with immediate weight bearing, no cast or crutches. Not to mention a beautiful bunion free foot with hidden scars. In our opinion an easy recovery with a beautiful result is something worth traveling for. If you have any questions about traveling to have surgery please do not hesitate to contact us.